In the mouth of the Beloved, speech is a jewel. ~ Rumi

Poetry annunciates an eternal well-spring, straight from Source and back again!


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About Gabriella’s Performances:

Alchemist of Movement, Gesture and Word, Gabriella delivers performances of initiatory ecstatic poetry of Rumi, Hafiz, Kabir, Lalla, Mirabai & sacred Egyptian texts, with international world fusion musicians, such as Patrick Bernard, Anthony Mazzella, Three Trees, Eric Zang, Lotus Moon, John Dumas, Omar Faruk - Tekbilek & Hans Christian



Ecstatic Poetry & Music Performances:

Evenings are a symphony of consciousness, a journey with the Beloved, opening the heart & moving people through thresh-holds of awareness.

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What happens to the guests who keep visiting the verse of a Perfect One? Their voices and cells become refined and they gift back to the world all the light they have received. ~ Hafiz



When Rumi was a child in the thirteenth century, sages predicted that he would one day set the hearts of the world on fire. Today, Rumi is the best-selling poet in the world. “This poetry is the living, molten speech of Divine Love itself — a trumpet waking the dead and calling us to relate again to the universe with wonder and ecstasy. Hidden within it is a very exacting and precise teaching, addressing with blazing clarity, humanity’s current spiritual awakening.” ~ Andrew Harvey, best selling author (The Way of Passion: A Celebration of Rumi), scholar, mystic.

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Why not Invite Gabriella the musicians to come to your community for single evening concert or include a Master Class/Workshop option below.

Performance Package Evening Concert and Next Day Master Class/Workshop.

Like the way the grasses and flowers
bend and kiss the earth ~ Hafiz